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Reflect It Back Rootwork Services

Reflect It Back Rootwork Services

Regular price $150.00 USD
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Reflect It Back: Rootwork for Protection and Reversal

When negativity, harm, or ill intent is directed toward you, Reflect It Back rootwork turns the energy back to its source. This ritual is a powerful tool for protection, ensuring that whatever is sent your way is mirrored back with precision, leaving you untouched and shielded.

Available in Three Strengths:

  • Regular Strength: Ideal for everyday negativity or minor disruptions requiring reversal.
  • X-Strength: Designed for more persistent or intense energy directed toward you.
  • Triple XXX Strength: Crafted for severe spiritual attacks or deeply entrenched situations requiring maximum power.

How It Works:
Provide your name, date of birth, and details about the situation or energy you need reflected in the textbox on the product page. Mambo Fredericka will customize the ritual to address your specific circumstances, ensuring the harmful energy is reversed with focus and effectiveness.

Why Choose Reflect It Back Rootwork?
This rootwork not only protects you but also ensures that those who send negativity toward you feel the consequences of their actions. Rooted in the principles of justice and self-preservation, Reflect It Back safeguards your peace and empowers you to stand strong against spiritual threats.

Note: This work operates within spiritual laws, requiring clarity of intention and respect for the process.

Trust Reflect It Back rootwork to shield you and return harmful energy to its rightful source. With Mambo Fredericka’s expertise, protection is always within your reach.


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If we stand tall, it's because we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors.

African Proverb